Our Head Office

Middle East Regional Development Enterprise “MEREN”
Mamdouh As Sarirah St
Building No.27,
Al Rawabi , Amman
Office Hours
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 3:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm

Contact Us

Middle East Regional Development Enterprise “MEREN”

Get In Touch

  • Address:  Mamdouh As Sarirah St, Building No.27,  Al Rawabi , Amman-Jordan
  • Phone: +962770202070
  • Email:   sales@meren.co

Our Sales Office In Turkey

Middle East Regional Development Enterprise “MEREN”
+90 552 643 34 16
Selvitepe Mah. Çepnidere Yolu Sk. İdari Bina Sit. No: 05
Turgutlu MANİSA
Office Hours
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm
08:30 am – 4:30 pm

Our Sister Company



Do You Have A Question?

Of Course, A Group Of Questions That May Be Repeated Ror Us Come To Your Mind.

Fraud is a deliberate deception with the intent to gain direct or indirect personal advantage at the expense of or to the detriment of MEREN. We resist committing to or being complicit to committing any act or attempt of fraud.
We act objectively and in the best interest of the company, by avoiding any conflict of interest or the perception of such.
Company resources are used for business purposes only, unless any exceptional
(i.e. temporary) nonbusiness usage has been authorized in writing by their supervisor.

At “MEREN”, we have a distinctive set of 5 Core Values which drive the way we do business.
The Values were ingrained into our operations by our founders and have remained guiding
principles, governing the development of MEREN for over a century.
In today’s world of rapidly evolving economic and market conditions, the Values interplay with
present time and remain key to ensuring we grow for the future in a sustainable way.

our business is governed by the commit framework, containing our value and standard for doing business, the commit framework is applicable to”MEREN” controled compained and requaires the bussness to comply to commit rules and for manegment to monitor and report on adherence. the code of conduct replaces “MEREN” polices approach, our brand, health and safety, legal complimance & our working culture.

“MEREN” is transforming to an integrated company in order to become the
global integrator of container logistics, connecting and simplifying customer’s
supply chain. This transformation offers a new lens from which to look at our
business, and governance is no exception.
In close consultation with colleagues across the organization, the Core Values
and selected Commit Rules have been consolidated into this Code of Conduct
which replaces any previous brand specific Code of Conduct in place.
The MEREN Code of Conduct is a single source of reference for all employees
and those that represent MEREN. It will ensure that employees and other
stakeholders know what we stand for as a company and how to interact with
colleagues, competitors, customers and suppliers.
The Code of Conduct does not cover every possible situation, but guides
towards good judgement and requires high ethical standards of everyone.
Employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to speak up when they have
questions or concerns. There may be times when local laws, regulations or
customs conflict with our Code. Whenever there is a conflict or a difference
between an applicable legal requirement and our Code, always seek guidance
while complying with the law. Do not follow customs or old habits that violate
this Code.

At “MEREN” we are committed to providing a safe and secure
place to work that supports the health and wellbeing of our
people. To ensure that MEREN is a safe and secure place to
work, employees across the global MEREN organization
operate within the necessary controls that are designed to
protect the safety and security of all employees and the
environment. Safety and security performance is a key factor
in the evaluation and selecting process of contractors and
business partners, and we also take responsibility for
promoting the awareness of safe and secure behavior
amongst our suppliers and customers. As employees of
MEREN, we have the responsibility to take a proactive
approach to our own health and safety and to the wellbeing
of others. We must at all times be aware of potential safety
and security issues and raise concern when we see anything
that poses a threat to the safety, security and wellbeing of
ourselves and our colleagues.